AVOID Agents That Promise You The Highest Selling Price

to discuss your home sale or purchase, call or text us today

… and start packing!

Anybody can promise anything. You need to look at an agents actual documented track record to see how the promises are kept!

We are happy to show you an entire year’s worth of transactions, with both the asking price and the final selling price, and we’ll match the FACT that most of our homes sell well above fair market value and what they are worth.

The thing is, if an agent makes you feel good by suggesting a price that is actually unrealistic and unattainable, there’s no real downside to them. They can later start bringing you substantially lower offers and urge you to accept them. And all the while, picking up buyers from your house and selling them something else. We monitor sales prices day to day in every neighborhood right here in our market, we establish prices for these homes each year and as just said, we have a terrific track record of getting the asking prices established. We know what a home can and will be sold for. We give our clients truthful, frank advice on price. And we negotiate “tough” with buyers to get our prices paid.

You should go with the agent with the best track record for accurately predicting and getting top dollar for the homes they lists.

to discuss your home sale or purchase, call or text us today

… and start packing!