My Friend Will Sell My House for Less... Don’t Be a Fool!

to discuss your home sale or purchase, call or text us today

… and start packing!

We certainly understand the temptation to give business to a friend or relative, especially if that person offers to cut their commission. And, bluntly,  all commissions are negotiable. 

The cautions you should consider about this are many:

First any agent cutting/discounting commissions must also cut and compromise the investments they make in advertising, marketing and selling your home – and that, in turn, may very well extend the time required to get it sold.

Second, a person who cuts his or own professional fee reveals a mindset about how they sell. It suggests they will be quickly, easily willing to reduce the selling price of your home too, and urge you to accept an offer significantly lower than your asking price.

Third, frankly, any agent discounting his or her compensation must need the business and that may tell you something about their clients satisfaction, referrals and reputation in the real estate community.

With these things in mind, you should very thoroughly question such an agent about their experience, number of sales, ratio between the asking price and final sales prices of his transactions.

We would remind you that the sale of your home is a very important, very substantial financial transaction, where an agents inexperience or over promising or lack of financial resources to market your property may cost you weeks to months of delay, may cost you thousands or even multiples of tens of thousands of dollars

to discuss your home sale or purchase, call or text us today

… and start packing!